Friday, June 10, 2011

Diabetic soap box

If I where on a soap box , I would scream for all to hear!

Yesterday my family experienced one of the scariest part of living with a Diabetic.
Some of you know my oldest son is a Type 1 otherwise know as Juvenile diabetic.
December 2005
when my son James was 9 years old he fell ill. As an experienced mom I cared for him as I had in the past. But this time was different. When he was showing no signs of improvement I took him to a local urgent care. Where we where told he only had the stomach flu. A strong anti nausea medication was given to him and we where sent on our way.
This is not the first time I have been told that James has the stomach flu and the DR could NOT have been more wrong. Both times James face life threaten health issues and both times the real issue was misdiagnosed.
For fear my son was having a allergic reaction to the anti nausea meds. The following night I rushed him to the hospital via Taxi.
I will never forget that night weather advisories where in effect flooding and high winds everywhere.
It was at the hospital we received the News.
James was in full blown Diabetic Ketoacidosis aka DKA.
His blood sugar was through the roof and he was wasting away. My healthy 90 lb boy was now 72 lbs .
He was taking to another hospital for treatment and to begin education about life as a diabetic.

Having diabetes is full of highs and lows. Always striving for balance.
We received education on how to manage diabetes and what to do in an emergency.
In the 5 years James has been hospitalized for DKA most happening in the past 8 months. As we all get use to life on insulin pump therapy.

One emergency we had never faced was a severe hypoglycemia. A blood sugar so low that people are often found Unresponsive. That is until yesterday.
As with most teens James enjoys sleeping in. "It's my summer , why do I need to be up?" a frequent phrase coming from my son. Switching from multiple daily injections to the pump has given him more freedom to do so. And he plans on making full uses of it.

Yesterday when I went to wake my son as it was almost noon. I found him on his bed as a expected but something was different not right. At first my brain said don't be silly your just overreacting he is just ignoring you or maybe it was my heart saying that. Because as what I was seeing before me sank in. My son eyes wide open yet not moving , with a look I am unable to put in to words. And shallow breathing. I called for my husband to get me his meter (something that should have been at his bed side but as I said he is a teenager and of course it was down stairs where he had last tested) so that I could take James blood sugar.
35!!!! If your not familiar, the ADA - American Diabetes Association states a blood sugar reading is normal when it is 70-120 and 60-110 these numbers are more baselined for adults and a child is given a little different scale but all the same. Again James was 35 well below normal. Panic flashed in me but was quickly shoved to the minds back burner as I need to focus on remembering what it was I needed to do.

As I flew from my sons room I called for my husband to carry James to the living room. The room most easily accessible to EMT's. Our younger children where taken up stairs as not to frighten them.
As I ran for a phone and James emergency Glucagon kit.
Never in the five year( I know I keep saying that , but there is no other way to explain it) had I thought I would really use one of these shot kits for anything other then practice or demonstration for others.
Yet yesterday I found myself focusing as hard as I could to recall the steps I needed to take in mixing and injecting my son in the hope it was not to late.

EMT's arrived about 3 minutes after I had injected him. They told he it could take up to 10 mins to work.
One of my top 5 longest 10 mins of my life. But as they said James started to come to and his blood sugar was now 68.

So why am I reliving this nightmare and sharing this with you now?
To simply ask you PLEASE! If you have a diabetic in your life a friend a relative maybe one that don't live at home.
Please insist that you are shown how to use their meter or at the very least their Glucagon kit. You could save their life.
I hope one day there is not a need to know any of this outside of medical professionals. I hope even more for a cure!


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Friday, June 3, 2011

Blankets not just for keeping warm

Day Three drawing to a close and I must say, tho time is moving slow and I feel a little busier then other days I am enjoying myself! And this new found way to diaper.
Don't get me wrong I'm not ready to throw in the towel on my fluff and restock myself with nothing but impromptu diapers . But this fast wash and dry time is nothing to shake a finger at.
But I have been entertaining the thoughts of giving these kinds of diapers a home in my stash. First in need to destash a little for charity.

So when I last left you I was trying out a blanket on Lyric as a night time diaper option and I happy to say it passed that test with flying colors!

I couldn't help but smile the next morning to find my lovie little punk dry and happy waiting for me in the morning these past couple of days.
Some of you may know from personal interaction with me that my son Lyric is a Super soaker!! I have bought many of diaper looking for the right one to combat soggy mornings. And to think a blanket something I have an abundance of ,Complements to our near 3 month stay in the NICU this year and do to ordinary burp cloths being inadequate with a baby with reflux (thank you Zurich mommy loves you Mr bubbles) was all it took to wake up dry.

It is however a little tug at the heart string in the morning. When I go to scoop up Lyric for my morning mommy hug and he points to his tower( no no I'm not braving about my fluff stash size :P . His diapers are really stored on a tower near his bed) of fluff and signs "Please" then tugs at his make shift diaper.
My baby misses his fluff or so I tell myself.
Really this has just been a part of our daily routine. Lyric loves to eye his rainbow of fluff and pick out which to wear next.
Pulling at his diaper is just one more clue that he is wet and as I dry a wet eye, One more sign that my little boy is growing up.:(

Just days before my challange began Lyric was given his first big boy potty chair.
I'm not sure why but this saddened me a little to think of my son growing up so. Entering the next step in his development "Potty training"! Was it his growing up , or the thought of there is no way I can get away with buying as many fluffy fun diapers once he is potty trained? I'm not 100% but for whatever the reason I just wanted to squeeze him just a little tighter at the thought of him being a big boy.

(Lyric investigating his new potty chair! Maybe I don't need to worry just yet he don't seem to interested in sitting on it ;))

Where does this leave Zurich and what's this got to do with blankets? I'm getting to that.
Zurich has taking to the change very well and I am very excited that his wool is an amazing cover .(more info in future blog)

Even these flats and make shift diapers are no match for this little super pooper! I think this challenge has been most enjoyable with Zurich. Due to his smaller size I have been able to experiment more with different folds. I have not been as quick to experiment with Lyric due in part to his size and being a active toddler that he is, I have kinda been sticking to the path of if it is not broke don't fit it! I have been luck to find folds and things to diaper him that work from the starting line and don't want to mess that up.

This brings me to blankets. I was sharing today via my "fluffy butt channel " I lovingly call it on one of my favorite iPhone apps a photo of Lyric and his fancy pants blanket diaper. When I was asked just how I did it. So I put together a little photo how to on the Origami Flats fold using a receiving blanket as my flat.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What was I thinking! Day one of my diaper challenge. Today started much the same as all days in my house some up early some sleeping in. With the best of intentions I took on this challenge. And true to my word when my boys got up this morning instead of reaching for their fancy fun printed fluff out of my stash came flats purchased locally but not from a baby boutique

(he misses his fluff) . Living in a small town as I do it wasn't easy to find the necessary supplies for this challenge but I was able to make myself an impromptu stash complete with homemade flats from receiving blankets, extra fabric, and a cut up flannel sheet.
Because I'm not as organized as I would like I still need to take a picture of our new and improved stash for the next 30 days.
But I promise one will be posted.

In preparation for this challenge my husband and I hit the web using my favorite research tool. YouTube! Oh what you can learned by watching videos on YouTube, hours of endless entertainment and in this case very educational.
I bookmarked some of my favorite videos on how to fold flat diapers. And spent the few days before my challenge practicing the fancy folds I learned.
For that couple of days it was not uncommon for my husband and I to be found up late sitting on the floor iPhone between us watching videos trying to master folds I had never heard of before.

Today I have found that the Kite fold works best for Lyric

and the Origami is best for Zurich.

But there are many more folds to try and I wont lie I'm kinda enjoying trying them all out:).

I was a little worried about how authentic my Challenge would be given the studying I have done in the past couple of day. And questions like snappi's or pins. Prep or don't prep , covers or plastic pants?
Just how much of my existing cloth diaper know how should influence my experience.
I decided to just do what comes naturally as a parent. I have not found or tried pins yet so snappi's has been doing the job nicely. And I prepped some but not all of the flats to see if there is a true difference.(more on that as we go alone.)

(flats prepping in my rib pot)As today winds down and my boys are now in bed a recap

One leaky pee diaper
Two poo on covers
Zero epic fails
One handwashed load of flats(amazing how fast those things dry! No joke I placed them on the line, made a snack for kiddo's walked 2 blocks to Dollar General came back and they where dry!)
All and all not a bad day! I only wish I was a little more organized but that's what tomorrow is for right?

I was a little worried about bed it diapering. Crossing my fingers we have a dry night.
For Lyric I chose a blanket in Origami fold with a flat folded over and laid in the center.

Zurich is sporting an Origami with a folded flat much like his brother.

Wish us luck! Until tomorrow night all.

Tip for today: when drying flats on the line. Hanging them back to back help decrease the "Crunchy" feeling sometimes got while hanging on the line.

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In memory of

Today is a day to remember.
A day most are BBQ, at the lake, with family, or simply enjoying the day off from work.

Me I'm in my thinking place ;) the Laundry mat!!

Don't get me wrong my patriotism runs deep. I am not trying to ignore today by doing some laundry. Opposite really. It I'd my patriotism that has me here.

Today I remember a battle buddy. Spc.

We where not BFF we didn't date, or go out of our way to seek each others compony after formation or class.
Yet we did share friends, hung out once or twice at the river walk, movies, and smoke shack.
We trained for the same MOS once 68 Delta OR scrub. But his heart wasn't in it. 11 Bravo is where it was at for him "11 Bang Bang" is what he would say.

Near 3 months to today on 28 Feb 2011 he was killed in action
In Afgan. Survived my his mother father and brother. I find myself wondering if they wonder the same thing I do. "What if" . What if he had stayed 68 Delta, would he be with them today?

These thought have been heavy in my head a while but more so given the meaning of today.

So this holiday I find myself loading my little red wagon
laundry mat bound, watching fluff tumble in the wash. It is here I realize no matter the MOS Hizon followed is heart and gave his all!

RIP Spc Hizon you are missed!

Ps! Here it is June 1st and I open my blog press only to see I didn't get this posted :( but still wish to share it with you all now.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

A diaper in need?!?

30 days, depending on how you look at it this can be a very long or short amount of time.

Challenge, well again a challenge Is in the eyes of the beholder. What maybe be hard is easy for others and so on and so forth.
I hear the word "Challenge" and echoing in my head I hear myself say "To easy Drill Sargent , to easy" . That's right challenge to me brings back memories of Basic training both good and bad. That was a true challenge to me.

But truth be told I can't even finish a 30 day photo challenge much less the shorter 7 day ones.
I can meet the Challenges of sleep deprived nights, road marches, being both physically and mentally broke down and built back up. Yet I can't remember to post one simple picture a day?!?

So why do I ask myself to come up with a Challenge for myself? Why will this time be different?
What is so important about this challenge?
And how can this be a diaper challenge yet not be about fluff?
Because this is personal.

With the craziness of my life right now I have not been as active as I normally would be say in sites like Facebook or with the RDA (Real Diaper Association ) with whom I hope to one day to be listed as a group leader with.
Any who, a couple of nights ago I hoped on Facebook to leave a friend a threating message about not returning my calls( ;) call me or your face will end up on a milk carton kind of threat ) and I happened on to another friends post about a 7 day flats Challenge. Very interested I clicked the link and read about the challenge to use nothing but flats and no more the 5 diaper covers and only hand wash for 7 days.
Sadly I missed my chance to sign up cause I believe in the message this challenge was trying to get out and would love to have been part of it.
Then I started thinking because part of what I draw from the message in my interpretation it reminded me of a person one that in the past hit a little close to home. ME!

The 7 day challenge (to my understanding of course) to hand wash and only use flats was sparked by an article about families and the high cost of disposable diapers. Families unable to afford the high cost of diapers reusing disposable diapers by cleaning or drying them out or leaving diapers on a little longer then suggested to stretch the number of diapers they have.

Whether you have seen articles about this or not it is happening.
And most all of us have seen the Huggies (tm) ad with a couple is a out with their little one to eat and something just don't "smell" right and a diaper is pasted under the table. As the narrator talks about families not able to afford diapers. Huggies (tm) cares buy our diapers and we will give back( ok I sound a little hateful there ).
Or Pampers(tm) former ads boosting of 12 hour protection (a claim that can still be found on the box just not seen in many ads I have seen lately)

I'm getting off track this post and challenge is not about how I feel about disposable diaper companies.
There are over 400 participating in the 7 day challenge 50 of whom are blogging it.

Why did this get me thinking?, why is it personal to me?, what am I challenging myself to do? (here I go will all the questions again, sorry not feeling the greatest today so I in a silly way using them to keep myself on track or at least trying too)

It got me thinking because as the person who started the 7 day points out this is about diapering with flats as a better alternative to reusing a diaper that's not meant to be reuse.
It's personal because as a young parent years ago I have been there. Not in the reuse a disposable diaper way cause that thought truly NEVER crossed my mind I just couldn't do it. But in the no money and no more or very few diapers left and payday a couple of days away kind of way.
I remember clearly feeling like the crappest(is that even a word) person EVER when diapers where low I knew what diaper was my favorite ,which I didn't like, and didn't care what diaper went on my baby as long as I could afford or at time borrow money for it in my time of need.

It really was not a case of poor budgeting on my account. Not to imply that I have the worlds best budgeting skill. But I would try accounting for each diaper and make my month buy of that many diapers at once. But as is life "Shit happens" (no pun intended) my solutions to this or band aid of a solution . I would gave a little longer naked time, a longer bath before bed so as not to waste a diaper before putting on the diaper before bed. I would use a t-shirt or what back then I would use a burp cloth but not very often cause I was afraid of pins sticking my baby. So a t-shirt was my first pick cause I could tie it on.
I would even hid diapers and at my very worst save any diapers that didn't get used before they where out grown so that if I needed to I could make shift a diaper out of it that would fit by laying it on my baby and tying it on with a shirt.
Lucky felt the days when I would find an old diaper bag I had that still had a diaper or two in it.
My step-father(May he rest in peace) at one point before meeting my mom owned a cloth diaper service( If only he could see me now ;).....) when my 3rd child was born had giving me some of old flats an prefolds he had left to use however. Rags mostly that's what I did and maybe as a wipe if I ran out of them.
Why did I not use it as a diaper in my time of need. Did I think it gross? Nope not it. I find poo, vomit, pee all those things gross in some cases gag me gross. But I didn't use them cause I DID NOT KNOW HOW! (not shouting this is just a fact). by the time came that I had a need to use it my step-father had past away. And I couldn't ask my mom cause I didn't live near her enough to understand the verbal directions she gave me.
Coupled with the fact I had already used them as rags I then didn't want to place something I had cleaned with on my baby's butt. That's the simple true answer.

About my challenge. Because reading of this 7 day challenge provoked such strong feelings in me. It made me realize a few things. More information is needed. I know a trick or two. Have learned a trick or two. And have been there done that a time or two. But that was so long ago.
So for 30 days I challenge me to pack up all my fluff and use flats or cloth diapers that I can buy locally. Not at baby boutique but Walmart, Target, Kmart, second hand or from my our house excluding fluff of course.
I'll hand wash them and use soap I can find in the same manner.
If I can find "plastic" pants I'll use them but will use my covers I currently own as well.
I will share via my blog what I learn any tips or tricks along the way.
And I will spend the 30 days adding up the varying cost.

I have two boys in diapers. Lyric a very active 16 month old(16 months today where has the time gone, mommy loves you )

and Zurich rounding the corner on 5 months and near out of the newborn size diapers (so bitter sweet way to grow Z mommy is so proud of you).

When the 30 days is up I will average the cost of what it would have taken to use disposables up. And hit the world wide web looking for the best fluff good deals I can find be it new or EUC (exactly like I do for my own children) and buy as many as I can to make a donation to an organization dedicated to providing diapers to those in need.
I would also be very grateful to any who would like to at the end of my challenge offer up one still useable diaper from their own stash to add to the donation. I will show my gratitude by adding a diaper from my own stash in return to the donation for the diapers donated. I need to hash out details with my husband on how many I am able to donate from our own diapers as I will still need to be able to diaper our own children in the end. And lord knows I can go over board when it comes to helping other and buying my own fluffy goodness.
So as I hash this out I will update.
I will all so be donating as many disposable diapers as I can to a local women's shelter or Red Cross for Tornado victims in or around my area. As I know washing even by hand is hard in both cases. And any supplies I purchase ie: flats ,covers, pins or snappies in the 30 days to a local group that works with families in my area so that they maybe past on to a family or two that are down on there luck.

In the end will I still say "To ease Drill Sargent, to ease" in the face of this challenge ? We will see come June 30 (start day to be June 1).
From this I hope to get a better idea fit to current time and need . And maybe an idea or two how I can help. How further I can get information out there to that mom much like me who didn't know the first thing about how to use a diaper like those my step-father gave me. And doesn't have a friend or family around to help understand them.

Wish me luck.

Ps. Again I'm blogging away as my my husband and editor is working hard at keeping the "bad guys" out of trouble and people safe as my 4 year old daughter puts it. So please forgive any spelling or grammar errors :)

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Friday, May 20, 2011

GroVia VS Best bottom part two

In this post the second half to the first I will show more of what the Best bottom diaper system has to offer. And again I promise a picture heavy post!

As a reminder the Best bottom in the mint chocolate chip and the GroVia in the owl print.

I said briefly in my GroVia focused post that I felt that the GroVia liner left messes on my cover from time to time.

This is a side by side view of the Best bottom and GroVia from the inside with liner snapped in.

A smart feature by Best bottom's part is sized inserts.

The picture above includes the three sized inserts mad to fit the Best bottom cover the middle one looks different only to show the other option available the small(top) insert is threaded green birth to 14 lbs, The middle is the diapers Hemp/organic cotton option 11 lbs to 22 lbs, And the bottom lined in blue thread is the large insert 16 lbs to 35 lbs.
I find that by offering inserts in sized I get better coverage in my "Shell" and have never had any spill over.
But if I did the diapers double layered PUL 100% USA made material would be a snap to wipe out.

Because I have two boys in different sizes I have half my shells sized small while the other half is sized large.

Another feature I talked about the GroVia system having is a optional boaster pad. Well Best bottom has taken that idea and improved it in my book.

A best bottom stay dry liner snapping in to the shell.

The overnight pad snaps to the liner.

The GroVia adds elastic to the liner, where as the Best Bottom does not the elastic is added to the PUL for not one but two barriers against leaks.

As mentioned in my first post both GroVia and Best bottom offer hook and loop as well as snaps.

Photoed here is the snap and hook loop offered by best bottom.
Another sizing /closing feature offered in the Best Bottom system not in the GroVia is a extenders tab to increase the size of your diaper for those like me who have had or will have larger babies. I do not currently own an extender as I do not need one but can tell you the are offered by there seller for 4.50 each.

As I said above two styles of inserts are offered a stay dry made of microfiber and topped with a fleeces liner to pull wetness away from lo. And a hemp/organic cotton liner.
Unlike many diapers and unlike the GroVia the Best Bottom diaper with stay dry insert is ready to wear after ONE wash. The Hemp/organic cotton liner needs 4-6 washes to reach full absorbency.

A nice thing about both the GroVia an best bottom is that they both take up less room in the washer. Leaving more room for adjuration giving the diapers a nice cleaning.

Now to talk price, A Best bottom shell cost is $16.95.
The stay dry insert is only $3.95 and the hemp organic cotton is $5.95.
When compared to the $17 for one pack of GroVia cloth liners it is less to get 2 Best bottom stay dry inserts in TWO sizes then the one pack of only two GroVia liners and only 6.80 more then one pack of two GroVia inserts to buy 2 hemp organic cotton liners in TWO sizes for best bottom.

The overnight pad is $6.95 each.
Diapers can be bought separate or in a package .
The first package is 3 shells and 9 stay dry inserts in your choices of print/color and closer snaps or hook loop. For $83.87.

The Complete pack to cloth diaper from birth to potty training using Best Bottom full time includes
18 inserts in EACH size
3 overnight inserts in each size
This package in stay dry is $407.87
And in Hemp is $510.47

For someone starting cloth after there child is above some of the sizes offered in the complete pack o would recommend building your own pack as it where.
The maker recommends having 2-3 shells for the number of times your lo poops during a 2 to 3 day span. And about 24 inserts.
My math is rough but an example if I was buying to start in one size. And got 9 shells, 24 hemp organic cotton inserts in ONE size and 3 over night inserts I would be spending about $316.20 for the same pack in the stay dry $268.20.
Not so bad for diapers and a damn good one at that.

In closing and IMO I am finally able to say GroVia has a place in my cloth diaper loving heart but Best bottom is a WIN in this match up!

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

GroVia VS Best bottom part one

On the left(to look straight at this picture) weighing in with the oh so cute Owl print is the GroVia. On the right (again only when looking straight at this picture) coming in at a this picture don't do this yummy(colors Inspired by ice cream) Mint chocolate chip color The Best Bottom!

Both offer many nice features but in this post I am going for a side by side look (picture heavy)of these two Hybrid style diapers. Why you ask? I say why not!
No but really this post is personal in that for a couple months now I have been helping a fellow mom make the right pick of cloth diaper for her son! Not always easy when your half a country apart. So in an effort to help her (cause she has been so passionate about starting CD and patent with me in my crazy life right now) This post is over due.
First a look at the GroVia with insert.

This is the GroVia with GroVia snap in organic cloth insert. Not easy to see is a small strip of elastic sew in to the sides of the cloth insert to add extra protection agains mess.

The inside of the GroVia is lined with a mesh sport liner. Shown here in this next picture side by side to the Best Bottom.

When cloth liner is used some have said the diaper looks a bit bulky, But everyones idea of bulky is not the same in the next picture I will show both the diapers thickness when a cloth liner is used. And a side view of the GroVia.

The GroVia

The GroVia offers a disposable liner option nice for times that one may find a disposable easier. Like when traveling.
Disposable liners made by cloth diaper companies still contain somethings like a fully disposable diaper but at different levels and in most cases are a lot easier to biodegrade then other. Some are even compostable. But back to the post at hand. The GroVia disposable liner looks like this.

And side by side with cloth insert .

It is my personal feeling that the disposable insert offers more coverage when the cloth insert does.
As with most diapers these days GroVia and Best Bottom offer snap or hook and loop as shown below.


Best bottom

Both diapers are OS (one size) and from personal experience I can say they fit nicely on my 4 month 8lb son as they do my 15 month 27lb son.

Zurich (8lbs ) in his Best bottom .

Now for Lyric(he is not as happy to model for mommy so pictures maybe fuzzy)

Lyric in his hook and loop Best bottom(27 lbs)

Now the GroVia

Lyric(27 lbs)(this picture don't do a lot of justice the rise is a little low in my opinion but this diaper does fit him well).

By now Lyric had enough of my picture taking but I promise no baby was harmed in the making of this blog;)

Now Zurich ( he is much easier to photograph as long as he has a clean diaper and is fed he don't mind at all:)

(You may not that a disposable liner was used in the GroVia Zurich is wearing I will touch on this in a moment.)

This is the visual fit of both diapers :) (I said this post would be photo heavy right?)

Now as to why I used a disposable liner in the GroVia Zurich is wearing. Is because of one of my few dislikes with the GroVia system. The cloth insert is one size. Why is that bad it's not inherently bad. I just don't like how the insert bunches when using the smaller sizing of the diaper. I am unable to photograph this well with the GroVia so I will show what I mean with a Best bottom diaper.

One of the unique features of the Best bottom diaper system is size liners. To simulate what I mean by GroVia cloth liner bunching I have snapped a small(liner with green threading) in to a Best bottom on the largest setting and a large(liner with blue) threading in to a best bottom at it's smallest setting.

One last feature of the GroVia system I have photographed is the boaster. This is a lay in cloth liner to add absorbency to the diaper.

The GroVia diaper sales for around $16 without a liner or with a cloth liner for about $22. If purchased one at a time.
The disposable liners sell for around $8 for a 20 pack.
The soakers(cloth liners) sale in packs of 2 for $17. Both trial packs and a full time cloth diapering using the GroVia system with cloth liner is offered. The trial packs include 2 diaper shells and a set of cloth liners or a pack of the disposable liners price range $40-$60. The GroVia live pack as the full time easy to buy everything needed to use GroVia full time includes 12 GroVia set (a shell including soaker)
6 2packs of organic soaker pads
2 2pack of the organic boaster pads
The cost of this set $394.00

My final thoughts on the GroVia all in 2
It is a good system with nice prints and features.
I do find that I have messes on the covers mesh liner and find that I have to change the whole diaper when this happens. This I find happens more often then not when I'm using the cloth liner.

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